Jordan had planned this part of the honeymoon as a complete surprise. He wanted to go to Komodo Island and see the dragons, I, was a tad bit scared to hike around with lizards who can eat me.
Knowing my love of remote beaches, Jordan dragged around google maps on his computer while researching places to go on our honeymoon and came across this little slice of paradise.
The stretch of beach that the resort sits on is completely isolated and looks like a screen saver. Or a scene from LOST…especially when a local child ran out of the bush chasing a bull. Thats right. A bull, on the beach, horns in tact, looking really pissed off.
The ocean was the bluest blue and the most beautiful sea shells washed up on the shore, freshly polished, looking like you could have bought them in a gift shop. I pinched myself every single moment we were here and only hope we are lucky enough to return someday!
The island is untouched and almost seems like time has forgotten it, except for the one resort – Nihiwatu.